You may vote on each platform (Instagram, Twitter, and Discord) and all votes will be compiled together to determine the winners.
Voting begins Thursday, May 21 at 6pm and closes Saturday, May 23 at 6pm.
To vote in the cosplay contest on Instagram:
Visit or search @momocon on Instagram
Locate the “Cosplay Showcase” posts and scroll through the gallery of images to view each contest participant. Make sure to view each of the 6 galleries!
Comment ONCE per gallery with the contestant number of your choice. Any other comments will be deleted, including tagging.
You may share images from the post to your Stories by tapping the paper airplane icon.
To vote in the cosplay contest on TWITTER:
Visit or search @momocon on Twitter
Locate the “Cosplay Showcase” thread
Scroll through the contestants and LIKE your favorite choice. You may vote for as many cosplayers as you’d like,
You may retweet your favorite, but only Like reactions count towards a vote.
To vote in the cosplay contest on DISCORD:
Login to the MomoCon Discord server:
momocon -
Visit the “#voting-cosplay-showcase” channel
React to your favorite cosplayer with the TROPHY emote